Visitation Information for Guests at Village Health Care


Regulatory guidance has fluidly changed over the course of the public health emergency, largely based on data from the nation’s long term care facilities. The most recent updates to our guidance have been made to promote quality of life for our residents including encouraging meaningful connections with family, guests, peers, and staff. It is the belief that as long as visitors and staff commit to following core infection control principles that have proven to reduce the risk of complications from serious respiratory illness, we can successfully promote safe visitations.

During periods when the COVID-19 Community Transmission rate is not high, visitors may visit throughout the facility and are not restricted to the resident’s room, may make arrangements to have meals with residents, visit without screening for respiratory symptoms, and participate in facility activities as space permits. Masks are not required except under the following conditions:

  1. If the COVID-19 Community Transmission rate is HIGH, universal wearing of masks is required. The COVID-19 Community Transmission rate is updated weekly by the CDC on the CDC COVID Data Tracker website at
  2. Anyone with confirmed COVID-19 infection or other respiratory infection (e.g. those with runny nose, cough, sneeze). Visitors with COVID-19 infection are requested to delay non-emergent visitation until 10 days have passed from the onset of symptoms or positive test and 24hrs have passed since a fever occurred.
  3. Had close contact or higher risk exposure to someone with COVID-19 infection in the last 10 days. A mask is requested to be worn for 10 days following known exposure.
  4. Visiting an area of the facility experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak.
  5. Personal preference to wear a mask.
  6. If required by transmission-based precautions.

ALL VISITORS: Everyone is encouraged to practice infection prevention behaviors: frequent hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, respiratory etiquette, avoid visiting when sick, and report any respiratory symptoms or infection to the facility if symptoms develop following your visit. Visitors are encouraged to remain up to date with all recommended vaccine doses.


  1. Everyone wears a mask. Visitors unable to comply will be asked to delay visitation.
  2. Visitors should consider wearing eye protection.
  3. When visiting an individual in isolation or quarantine visitors should consider wearing clothing protection such as an isolation gown.
  4. Visitation should occur in resident rooms. Visitors should report directly to resident room and avoid common areas and dining spaces. Visitors who need visitation accommodations such as an outdoor visitation area, virtual visitation, or a visitation room should contact the facility.
  5. Visitors are to use the main facility entrance for visitation guidance.
  6. Visitors are encouraged to practice social distancing of 6 feet from residents and staff and wear your mask for the duration of the visit.
  7. Visitors should be aware of the risk of visitation. COVID-19 is a highly contagious viral infection that can easily transmit from person to person, especially during close contact with an infected individual.


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